Sunday, May 8, 2011

Still in hospital

I am still in hospital recovering from emergency abdominal surgery...uggh what a crazy painful experience....but the outcome is positive and I should make a full I lay here with a tummy full of stitches and a head full of ideas for my ATCs when I am up to feeling better. I am going to honor my daily ATC project by making and sending ATCs to all that signed up.....

I look forward to the healing power art to help in my own healing process.

Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes.

Diane Johnson

- Posted using BlogPress from my iP


  1. Hope you're felling better now... I'm now following your blog :))

  2. Dianne
    I am so sorry to about you being in the hospital. I have been so busy that I have been out of the loop for a while with the ATC groups. I hope that you are feeling better soon!!
